Etchingham CE Primary School

Curriculum Statement

 Curriculum Intent


At the Riverside Federation the design of the curriculum is an evolving and fluid process which takes into consideration the needs and character of our children; the children’s prior learning; children’s experiences; the community in which the schools exist and the National Curriculum together with educational research which is evaluated and relevant to our schools. Our curriculum is designed to teach what matters to our children so that they know more, remember more and understand more.

Our curriculum is intended to meet our vision for our Federation so that our pupils feel valued for who they are, reach their full potential through high quality, inspirational learning experiences and are ready for life in an ever-changing world.


Curriculum Implementation


Teaching and learning takes place through a range of exciting Learning Journeys which are built on an enquiry-based approach. We ensure core academic subjects such as English, Maths and Science are given sufficient weighting whilst delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, that is planned and tailored to make the most out of relevant cross-curricular links. These Learning Journeys are common across our Federation of schools – and across all year groups - as we aim to create a holistic and cohesive community between our schools where our children are excited to learn and participate and are enabled to jointly engage in cross-Federation learning opportunities.

As Church of England schools, our Christian ethos underpins the way we treat our pupils and wider community. We encourage each other to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12:31) as we are an inclusive community which recognises and responds to everyone, regardless of their needs or abilities. We adapt our curriculum so that all pupils, despite barriers to learning, can achieve success.


Curriculum Impact


The impact of the curriculum is monitored through the triangulation of outcomes including pupil voice, data analysis, planning, work scrutiny, learning walks and discussions with teaching staff and parents.

The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills to achieve success in the next stage of their education and in life generally. They will learn more, remember more, enjoy more and flourish more - spiritually, socially and emotionally - as they develop a sense of curiosity about the world around them and leave our Federation of schools excited, motivated and aspirational for their future.


To find out more about our curriculum, please see the individual subject tabs. Alternatively, you may contact the school office on 01580 819218.


Learning at Etchingham