Religious Education
Our children will be prepared for life in a 21st century world. They will explore matters of religious and non-religious beliefs and find out what matters most to people in a wide range of traditions represented in our country and beyond. They will be discerning individuals who understand what is of value to themselves as they develop their own ideas and ways of living. They will be tolerant and understanding with the confidence to make their own informed decisions.
While the religious divisions in our world are self-evident, many people believe that religious conflict is always caused by a lack of education.
(Sam Harris)
We believe that Religious Education should be an exciting activity for all our children to share in, and regard it as a particular area of learning where Christian values and the school ethos can come alive in the classrooms. We employ a variety of teaching approaches to support the learning. We want to enable our children to think about themselves, their feelings, their relationships, and their uniqueness as human beings made in the image of God.
As a voluntary controlled Church of England School we follow the East Sussex Agreed Syllabus. We adopt an enquiry approach to teaching RE, covering Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.
In accordance with our Religious Education policy and within the 1944 Education Act, parents may request that their child is withdrawn from all or part of Religious Education. Where parents wish to exercise this right, the Governing Body would first suggest that the parents meet with the Head of School or Executive Headteacher to discuss their concerns